Sad Toy Story


Written on 1:51 AM by c meridian

Sad Toy Story, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

"Umm, Do You Have Any Lead Coated Toys?"
That's insensitive. I do hope these traditional businesses survive against
the tides of Toys R' Us and departmental stores. But can't help but think
the cheaper the toys, the more lax the quality control is... and the more

Dumb Bitch, Dumb Review


Written on 9:23 PM by c meridian

Xiaxue attempted to review the iPhone recently. And her video on YouTube caught the fancy of nearly 230,000 viewers. And she went on to blast Apple fanboys and said "people who use Apple products are too cool for nails." This is some of the kind of response to the video...

"I think she said it right. The attitude of Mac fanatics can be sickening at times, almost as bad as those scientologists."

Really? Product reviews from someone who speaks about plastic surgery for the vagina and looks like a Japanese Shibuya whore? Trustworthy? She is the queen of sensationalism. Please, she's a comedian and an uneducated SPG lian... Seriously, if she could be looked up to, Paris Hilton is Mother Theresa. This is the blogger girl who once pulled a "do you know who I am?" to enter Mambo Jambo night at Zouk! A girl whom through a post on her blog in 2005, furiously criticized a disabled person for telling off a perfectly abled walking healthy man, when he hogged the handicap toilet. She's a certified media slut. An attention-craving Internet hits hooker.

Ok, now that I got that out of the system.

I think Apple fanatics are misunderstood here. Yes, as with any subculture, there will always be the "fanatics" so to speak. As much as there are Hello Kitty fanatics in Harajuku and gym addicts in the wilderness of Singapore's concrete jungle.

But for most part, it's just that Apple users like myself find it hard to grasp that there is something so wrong with our iPods and Macbooks. And I think a lot of users out there just find it unfair when people expect the products to come with a kitchen sink and hot showers.

Just think about it. How many people would receive hits from reviewing a Dell Latitude M1530 laptop or a Samsung smartphone? Why does Xiaxue review the iPhone? It has sensationalism written all over it.

When Apple releases a product, everyone expects it to be infallibly perfect. And there's no such things as perfect. The iPhone, being the first phone from the computer maker is definitely not perfect, and I know, I have one. But compare that with the buzz from the first Microsoft Windows smartphone? Who knew what it was called? What does it look like? Nobody knows.

I think as much as people find using Apple products cool, there are those who find it cool to critique.

I personally use Apple products because it's a better designed operating system. I don't fumble and go hunting for the tiny icons and press YES/OK ineccessantly just to detach a USB device. Or get confused over the messy Control Panel each time I want to uninstall programs or change the screen setting. Everything works and some people like to pay for that kind of peace-of-mind. Some people, obviously don't.

But we don't go all Jehovah's Witness on people who don't use Apple. Not knocking on doors and such. Users like us, just don't want the things we enjoy using to be nitpicked. When there are more things that's awfully wrong with the 1,000,001 products out there in the market today.

I think Xiaxue should go review a Creative Zen or a HTC Touch. And tell me if those products are NOT TOO COOL FOR NAILS too.

But where's the review?

Curry... Poof!


Written on 2:32 PM by c meridian

Curry... poof!, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

"Is Your Son Going To Make It As Well As You Do? (If at all)"
Appreciate the street culture and enjoy what our rich heritage has left
behind, before it's all gone. And I don't mean to global warming. I'm
talking about good food extinction!

Dying Breed of Wheels


Written on 3:36 AM by c meridian

Dying Breed of Wheels, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

"Will you still be around come 2020?"
Who's going to want to make a living on a trishaw in the future? Hauling 240
lbs ang mohs + his wife + their shopping bags.



Written on 1:11 AM by c meridian

Angel, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Lomography can be painful. Especially the part where you have to relinquish
control over your outcome (well, at least most of it).
I haven't been able to achieve results like those you see on Lomography
forums. Those deep and mysterious tones in the pictures are probably cross
processed from 35mm slide films. At this point, I can summarize lomography
as 20% skill 80% guesswork, and a huge dose of luck.

Leilomo, why ngolomo?


Written on 11:24 AM by c meridian

Funny name for a blog address. No?

It's because I have since been inspired by the world of Lomography. 

Why lomography? And why now? Well, I knew of Lomo's existence long ago, while I was in college in 2000 or something. But it never struck me as interesting because I was already doing "lomography" of my own on a 35mm camera... in the form of an old Nikon FA SLR camera. I was high on photography (and in many ways still am). I was shooting everything from cemeteries to orphanage... to flowers. So doing my own take on "shooting from the hip" so to speak. But of course every process of that required thinking. Photography no matter how lax has to have some basic composition elements. Lomographers still have to think about the angle. The colors. The exposure. The ASA settings... The lightings...

So, it's not like it's exactly like the Lomographic Society says "don't think, just shoot".

But I understand the thrill of releasing yourself from rules and just shooting without thinking (too much). I've been trying it in the past weeks and found a nice break from digital photography. Lomography on the russian made LC-A (aka Lomo Compakt Automat) will never replace digital photography but it's nice to finally remember what it's like prior to mega pixels and LCD screens.

So, back to the question. Why Lomo? Because I want to create a blog loosely inspired on the axiom of "don't think, just shoot". May it be photography, or just my usual lambasting, putting an object within a critical eye... I want to try not to think of what the prospect reader thinks of me or judge me. I'll give honest, sometimes constructive and sometimes downright destructive thoughts out loud - going to give it as it is... "don't think, just shoot".

And why now? Because of my recent liberating experience with the Lomo camera. I find it's important to reminiscent, reflect and document one's experiences because... we forget things far too often, too fast. Because the camera has thought me not to take things for granted. To enjoy the most mundane things in life... That thinking with your heart, is just as important as thinking with your brain. So thanks to the Lomo, I've found the catalyst to start blogging again. 

To discover more about Lomo cameras and Lomography. Go to



Written on 3:05 AM by c meridian

Wrreoooww!, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Well, that's the way life is. Evil is always lurking in a corner nearby,
looking for an opportunity to pounce on you and rob you of your modesty,
money, handbag, sneakers or sometimes... blogs.

Ever since my previous blog "HearMeBitch" (read-my.blogspot) got hijacked,
I've pretty much lost interest and motivation to document my life. I felt
disheartened. Like a kid who bought his first Ding Dang, only to find there's NO toy inside. I was confused, angry, disappointed, despondent, melancholic and ended up in a withdrawal state.

Then recently, I began to realize some people have nothing better to do with their
life than to find pathetic joy in trivial pursuits like hijacking someone's
blog. Maybe it was some enraged Tyra Banks worshipper or... some Asiaworks fanatic.
The point is... who cares.

I finally realized that I won't let some petty blog thief come in the way of
my endeavor to document my life, however I see fit. I am trying to
rediscover the joy I once had in blogging. I think it'll come back,

PS: HearMeBitch! ( still works. Although I can't log in or get the password because it's no longer associated with my Google account. Someone else owns it now. So, who knows how long my 4 years worth of blogs will be around. If you know of a way to archive blogs (that no longer belong to you), please let me know.



Kenny T



Written on 12:48 PM by c meridian

Here it is, my inaugural post on pop-parazzi.

Of course it starts with a photo of me, silly. 
I'm the BIG BANG, y'all.