Red green.


Written on 3:28 PM by c meridian

Red green., originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Kenny T



Written on 3:27 PM by c meridian

photo.jpg, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Red and green

Kenny T

Self portrait


Written on 3:36 PM by c meridian

Self portrait, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Post it art


Written on 10:55 PM by c meridian

Post it art, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

One of my favorite post it doodles.



Written on 4:43 PM by c meridian

photo.jpg, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

My Christmas present to myself? A nice hair color for the festive
season. Ok, you may say what's so special about that? Well, this is my
first time coloring my hair in a salon. I've always done it at home
with one of those Garnier or Loreal diy coloring kits.

The end result is... critique by my hairstylist, on how unevenly
colored it is. Or how I missed a spot.

Today, this salon colored virgin is going for a proper hair color.
Yes, the kind you pay at the fancy salon cachier, not Watson Pharmacy.