Another update from f*cking Microsoft


Written on 10:48 PM by c meridian

Another update, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Oh look, what do we have here?
Another critical update? 159.6 MB worth of coding and software engineering
to probably prevent my word processor from stealing my credit card info or
delete important files by itself while I sleep at night.

Again, all I can say is, why the hell do I need to update my Office
applications with hundred of megabytes of critical patches? I think overall,
I've downloaded 1 gigabyte worth of updates into my computer, just for the
Microsoft Office suite alone. What the hell is that?!! Didn't I just updatemy Office over a month ago?
All I want to do is to write my documents on the word processor in peace. Is
that so hard to ask? Why is it even possible for it to have security and
privacy issues, isn't the MS Office suite for making slideshows, flow
charts, graphs and spell checks? What the hell did Microsoft put into thisthing? A time bomb?

Microsoft, clean up your act!!

F*cking imbeciles.

The 159 MB update expands to 449MB. So we're looking at at least 1.5 GB of EXTRA SPACE (if i remember correctly) from the past 3 or 4 updates just for the Office Suite alone. Tell me that's not stupid. @#$%#^&%*.

Trishaw, Singapore Style!


Written on 5:17 PM by c meridian

Trishaw, Singapore Style!, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Please mtv, Pimp my ride!

Toilet Training


Written on 3:46 AM by c meridian

Toilet Training, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

There's something that's been bugging me all these years. As you may know, I am a bit of a hypochondriac. I can't touch the escalator hand rails without thinking of where it's been. I can't touch the rim of a public toilet seat and surely can't go to sleep without a shower.

So here's the thing, when I get to a urinal, which is like 6 times a day, considering how much water I take, I am often greeted with the sight of piss on the floor. That to me is an utter disgrace and an insult to our male pee hose.

I mean what's wrong? Has the man serpent got a mind of it's own? Is it distracted at work? Is your urethra springing a leak?

The penis has two functions. One of them is making babies, the other is so that you don't explode from containing too much piss. It's that simple, god didn't even make a manual for it.

For Christ sake, do you need rocket science or a bachelors degree to take a piss?

People should learn to pee properly. But if they think that proper and hygienic usage of the urinal is not possible,please consider pee-ing
sitting down.


Every time I see a patch of piss on the floor in front of the urinal, I am angered by the shame. Angered by the knowledge that unlike women, we have a hose to aim with, and some people still drip it all over the floor like animals do.

Come on. Take one step closer to the urinal. Watch that aim and pay a little more attention. I said, it's not f*cking rocket science!



Written on 6:49 PM by c meridian

Moped, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

I don't think I've shown anyone my red hot Italian scooter to anyone
yet. So here it is.



Written on 5:46 PM by c meridian

photo.jpg, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Rain. No, not the Korean singer.


Written on 8:59 AM by c meridian

In the cab today on the way to work. Decided not to take my bike today because I was already all dressed up nicely for the day, before the rain started to fall. So, of course, a fashionista does what a fashionista does, I decided to take a cab to work so that I don't waste all that good hair product, the perfume, new lancome moisturizer and crisp ironed shirt.

The meter is ticking away... Oh, the price we pay for...

Posted by ShoZu

Happy Birthday, Malaysia


Written on 6:11 AM by c meridian

Happy Birthday, Malaysia, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

Here's wishing my Malaysian friends a wonderful day off... full of
unproductive activities and fun, like sleeping, karaoke, eating (isn't that
our favorite pastime?), shopping, watching tv or clubbing. Take a pick.
Whatever you do, stay away from work. Because the next public holiday you're
going to get is way down in October - Deepavali.

elated elaine


Written on 1:11 AM by c meridian

oh my god. that's elaine.that sweet girl from convent green lane I knew as a teenager. haven't seen her in 1¹years and it was such a surprise to see how much she's changed and matured.

Posted by ShoZu

7th Month


Written on 12:40 AM by c meridian

7th Month, originally uploaded by write2inbox.

"7th Month"
It's the time of the year... but are you doing anything differently? Is your
mum telling you to come home before midnight? Are you less likely to travel?
Do you shower with one eye open... trying to curb that eerie feeling that
someone is watching you as you clean yourself? I don't think this is
related, but earlier today something did happen. But it happened it broad
daylight. On my way to Hong Kong, in the United Airlines aircraft... before
the aircraft doors are closed the pilot announces, "ladies and gentlemen,
we're sorry to announce that the flight will be delayed due to a damage to
the cargo door".

Delayed it was, for 3 hours. We were not allowed to leave the aircraft...
and we were stuck there from 6:30am (it was an early flight out, we were
hoping to start our day early in HK) till 9:30am. It was an arduous 6+ hours
flight to Hong Kong. The airline would have to call their engineering
counterpart in Europe to assess the damage, repair it... and have it
certified before we could fly. All this was done while we were baking like
macaroni and cheese in the cabin... as the sun rises and cooks us alive.

Well, I don't think this is related to the timing on the chinese calendar...
you bet shit can happen any month.